Tuesday, January 05, 2010

NEWS: Rev. Benjamin Reynolds to speak at January PFLAG Oak Park meeting

The Rev. Benjamin Reynolds, interim pastor at Pilgrim Congregational Church in Oak Park, will speak on his experiences as a gay minister at the next PFLAG Oak Park meeting on Jan. 24. According to a recent Oak Park & River Forest Wednesday Journal article: "In 2006, Emmanuel Baptist Church in Colorado Springs, a congregation that grew from 125 members in 1992 to as many as 1,500 while under his leadership, voted to dismiss him as senior pastor after he came out at a congregational meeting. Indeed, the term transitional is apt for Reynolds. He is not only serving as the interim minister for Pilgrim but he is also on his own journey, searching for a place where he can be true to both his calling as a preacher and identity as a gay black man."